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氮氧化物是什么意思 氮氧化物在線翻譯 氮氧化物什么意思 氮氧化物的意思 氮氧化物
發布時間:2021-03-27 17:05瀏覽次數:

1. 紀事第一例子氮氧化物的摩爾比率芳與耦合兩個伙伴。

The report includes the first examples of N -oxide arylation with equimolar ratios of the two coupling partners.

2. 氮氧化物的意思

2. 他對制造那些能夠分解氮氧化物帶來的污染的建筑材料很感興趣,并且已經暗地里在中國取得了相關的許可證。

He was interested in building materials that could break down NOx pollutants and had a potential licensee in China.

3. 有水溶液分解成氨,成氮和水分裂的氮氧化物

There the aqueous solution decomposes into ammonia, splitting the nitrogen oxides into nitrogen and water.

4. 這個過程使尾氣中的氮氧化物和氨水一起通過催化劑轉化為對周圍環境無活性的化合物:水和氮氣。

This process converts NOx in flue gases with ammonia over a catalyst to environmentally inert compounds, water and nitrogen.


5. 空氣污染主要由兩大污染物造成:損害肺部的氮氧化物以及同樣致癌的細顆粒物。

Two pollutants cause most of the problem: oxides of nitrogen, which damage the lungs, and fine particulates, which are also carcinogenic.

6. 氮氧化物

6. 有毒有害氣體檢測儀:二氧化硫氣體檢測儀、硫化氫氣體分析儀、一氧化碳檢測報警器、一氧化碳、二氧化碳紅外線氣體分析器、煙氣分析儀、化學發光法氮氧化物分析儀

Noxious And Harmful Gas Detector/Alarm:Sulfur Dioxide Gas Detector, Sulfurated Hydrogen Gas Analyzer, Carbon Monoxide Detector/Alarm, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide Infrared Gas Analyzer, Gas Analyzer, Chemiluminescence Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer

7. 介紹了氮氧化物、復合半導體、MO6型八面體單體化合物等可見光催化劑材料的研究動態氫氣報警器,闡述了金屬負載、離子摻雜等修飾技術對催化劑的影響,并對未來光催化分解水制氫催化劑的發展方向進行了展望。

In this paper, the recent progress of visible light –driven photocatalysts, including oxynitrides, composite seETonductor and MO6 octahedral unit cell compound is presented.

8. 強化擴散燃燒階段的紊流混合有助于發動機性能的提高和氮氧化物排放量的降低。

Increasing the turbulent mixing rate during the period of diffussion combustion will improve the engine performance and reduce the nitric oxide emission.

9. 梗概:火電煙氣脫硝系統能否達到高脫硝率和低氨氣逃逸率氮氧化物,很大程度上取決于進入脫硝反應器之前煙氣中的氮氧化物和還原劑氨氣混合均勻程度和煙氣速度分布。

Igneous electricity flue gas takes off saltpetre system whether achieve take off saltpetre rate and low ammonia gas high to escape rate, depend on greatly the flue gas is medium nitrogen oxide before entering saltpetre reactor and reducer ammonia gas blend even degree and flue gas speed to distributing.

10. 本文從硝化試劑角度綜述了近年來鈍化芳環的硝化反應的進展,包括硝酸鹽/硫酸、硝酸酯、硝酸、氮氧化物等硝化方法。

In this paper, the latest progress of the nitration of deactivated aromatic compounds is reviewed in the point of view of nitrating agents, including nitrate-sulfuric acid, nitrate ester, nitric acid and nitrogen oxides.


11. 氮氧化物

11. 針對以上影響因素,本文討論了用碳/氧平衡法計算排氣質量流量的過程,同時介紹了自己設計的計算氮氧化物排放的程序。

This paper discusses the computational method to get exhaust mass flow rate by carbon/oxygen balance method.

12. 依據空氣污染防制法及相關規定所定義,空氣污染物可分為四大項目氮氧化物,分別為氣狀污染物(包括硫氧化物勺一氧化碳、氮氧化物、碳氫化合物、氯氣、氣化氫、氟化物、氯化烴等)、粒狀污染物(包括懸浮微粒、金局煤煙、黑煙、酸霧、落塵等)、二次污染物(指污染物在空氣中再經光化學反應而產生之污染,包括光化學霧、光化學性高氧化物等)及惡臭物質(包括氯氣、硫化氫、硫化甲基、硫醇類、甲基胺類)等。

Guards against the facture and the correlation stipulation based on the air pollution defines, the air pollutant may divide into four big projects, respectively be the gaseity pollutant (including sulfur oxide compound bucket carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide compound, hydrocarbon, chlorine, gasified hydrogen, fluoride, chlorhydrocarbon and so on), the granular pollutant (including suspended particulate matter, golden bureau coal smoke, black smoke, acid fog, falls dust and so on), two pollutant (refers to pollutant to pass through photocheETal reaction in air to have pollution again, including photochemistry fog, photochemistry high oxide compound and so on) and odor matter (including chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, curing methyl, sulfur alcohol type, methyl amines) and so on.

13. 911查詢·英語單詞大全

13. 它并不填補我國大氣二氧化碳,氮氧化物,汞或其他任何污染物。

It does not fill our atmosphere with carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, mercury or any other pollutants.

14. 本發明在不增加主要設備、不使用任何催化劑的情況下,實現煙氣中的氮氧化物、汞和二氧化硫的綜合控制,系統運行可靠。

The invention controls nitrogen oxide, mercury and sulfur dioxide in smoke gas without increasing main device and using no catalyst.

15. 氮氧化物的解釋

15. 這些物質在高溫煙氣中分解后,能夠將煙氣中的單質汞氧化并將氮氧化物選擇性還原為無害的氮氣,煙氣再經脫硫裝置處理,將其中的二價汞和二氧化硫同時吸收凈化。

The matter is degraded under high temperature, and then they can oxide mercury and selectively reduce nitrogen oxide into innocuous nitrogen; smoke gas is treated in desulfurization unit to absorb bivalent mercury and sulfur dioxide.

16. 911查詢·英語單詞

16. 在對某臺200MW電站燃煤鍋爐進行多工況熱態正交試驗的基礎上氮氧化物,采用BP網絡建立了預測鍋爐運行性能包括排煙溫度、飛灰含碳以及氮氧化物排放的綜合模型。

On the basis of orthogonal tests of a 200MW coal firing utility boiler, under various modes of operation, an integrative BP model has been built for predicting a boiler' s performance, including the exhaust gas temperature, carbon content of the fly ash and NOx emission.

17. 選擇性催化還原作為一種有效脫除氮氧化物的方法氯氣檢測儀,在近年來得到了廣泛深入的研究。

Selective catalytic reduction which is extensively studied in recent years is an effective method of taking off NOX.

18. 而以往的研究表明,其它的添加劑,諸如氨氣或氨水也能夠減少二氧化硫或氮氧化物的排放。

However, previous studies have demonstrated that other additives such as ammonia gas and liquor are also capable of reducing SO2 and NO, emissions

19. 氮氧化物是主要的大氣污染物之一。

Nitric oxides are one of the main air pollutants.

20. 氮氧化物是大氣主要污染物之一,也是目前大氣污染治理的一大難題。

Nitric oxides are major air pollutants, as well as a difficult problem in air pollution control.


標簽: 氮氧化物